Always An Adventure...
In 2011, our family packed our bags and made tracks for our new home in rural New Hampshire. When we retired from the Air Force two years later, we knew we were home to stay. Today, we're proud to raise our animals (and our kids) with an emphasis on free-range, natural, and sustainable practices.

Set in the scenic wooded hills of New Hampshire, the Flying T Ranch is our family's newest homesteading endeavor. Throughout the years, we've tried our hand at many different livestock and agricultural experiments, from Muscovy ducks to wild blackberries. At one point, we boasted a herd of seven breeding does, approximately 40 chickens, and a small flock of show ducks. However, as our children have grown up and "flown the coop", our focuses have changed and our herds and flocks slimmed to suit.
Today, our barn houses a small production herd of Boer goats, our beloved Quarter Horse Dallas, and a modest flock of laying chickens. We also have had great success with our raised-bed gardens, gathering a bountiful harvest of lettuces, tomatoes, and blueberries. We invite you to check out our blog, where we share our adventures and misadventures in sustainable living and small farming as well as stories, advice, and how-to columns!
Our family mission is to glorify God in all ways. We live this out at The Ranch by raising, managing, and using His creation in a healthy, sustainable, and humane manner.
We also believe that we are called to love all of His people, regardless of whether their backgrounds, religions, races, ethnicities, beliefs, or practices are like ours. Expect that if you visit or do business with us, you will be treated with respect and integrity. If you experience otherwise, please let us know.